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Headed to JFK Airport? Take These 5 Essential Tips With You

Airport travel can be exasperating these days, but there are a few things you can do ahead of time to make the experience more pleasurable, and simple. The critical difference is to BE PREPARED – knowing what to expect and having the right tools at hand will make for a smooth trip, even on busy airport days.

Top 5 Tips for JFK Airport Travel

1. Get familiar with airline fees (especially the hidden ones!)

We all know there’s a price to be paid for tickets and parking, but don’t hesitate to contact JFK Airport in advance to inquire about any additional fees that may be charged in association to your flight. Baggage fees, taxes and other unforeseen charges can really be a hardship if you’re not prepared for them in advance, so be diligent in getting a complete fee rundown before traveling, as policies vary from one airline to another.

2. Know your baggage limits

The last thing you want to do is try to shift personal belongings around at a crowded airport because you didn’t know the weight limit for carry-ons, or pay huge fees for extra items you really didn’t need to bring, if only you’d known the details of checked baggage pricing. Not to mention items you might not even be permitted to take aboard a flight, which may be confiscated at security checkpoints. Be sure to contact JFK Airport to learn baggage weight limits, fees and best practices for your ticketed airline.

3. Breeze through security

Just because you weren’t aware that you’re not permitted to bring sharp metal objects and fire hazards in your carry-on luggage, doesn’t mean security will give you a pass — you can expect it to be confiscated or at least re-packed into your checked baggage. Know the rules ahead of time and spare yourself a lot of security checkpoint headaches. A good place to start is on the JFK Airport Travel Information web page, which posts security guidelines and other useful tips for making the experience less harrowing. If you wish to bring items not listed on this page, it’s best to contact the Transportation Security Administration Coordination Center at (866) 289-9673 to ask about specific items you may want to bring on the plane.

4. You’re traveling — so dress for travel

Sure, you want to look your best not only at the airport, but also when you reach your destination and know you’ll be greeted by someone special at the end of your trip… but you certainly won’t look your best if you are miserable and uncomfortable due to the pains of keeping up appearances. Those stiletto heels may look spectacular with that fabulous little black dress, but do you really want to arrive at your destination carrying your shoes in hand, hobbling on sore feet, in an overall irritable in mood as a result of looking great? Or drenched in perspiration because that suit and tie makes you look so astute?

Get over it long enough to get through the flight; you can always primp in the lavatory before landing, or even change and freshen up at your destination airport. Until then, get out those comfortable sneakers and wear something loose that will still be comfortable after sitting in it for a 6-hour flight. And remember to check the weather at your destination before travel, so you won’t be caught off guard by any dramatic change in climate from one location to the next.

5. A place for everything…

Think ahead — what will you need to use while at the airport or on the flight? Don’t tuck your boarding passes away in your luggage for safekeeping, only to have to sift through your personal belongings at a JFK Airport terminal to dig out those tickets when the gatekeeper inevitably asks to see them. Place your tickets, ID and passport in an easily accessible bag or pocket, all in one place for easy retrieval. And what about that primping you may want to do before landing at your destination? Will you need a comb or toothbrush while still on the plane? If you take prescription medications, check your airline’s security policy and have your meds onhand as you’ll need them.

For luggage, you will of course have a tag or label on the luggage to identify it as yours, but when you go to pick up your baggage at a crowded airport carousel, you’ll want something that immediately makes your belongings stand out from others for easy identification at a glance. A great tip for this is to tie a brightly colored strip of cloth to the handle… You may think at first that you’ll look silly walking around with a red-striped scarf hanging from your luggage, but you certainly won’t feel that way when you’ve got your luggage and are departing the airport long before other travelers have even located their belongings.

Being prepared is certainly  the best way to ensure the smoothest possible travel experience from (or to) JFK Airport. In addition to the tips provided above, simply try to think the trip through in advance from start to finish, so you can anticipate what you might expect at any given point during your travels.

And here’s a bonus tip…

Don’t drive

Hire an experienced Philadelphia car or van service to take you to and from JFK Airport. If you have to navigate through heavy traffic or unpredictable circumstances just getting to the airport, you’ll only end up irritable and on edge before you even start the ‘real’ trip. Getting to the airport on time, and in a relaxed mood, will make the remainder of your journey more enjoyable from the start. (Not to mention saving parking fees.)

A Philadelphia car service will know the best travel routes and be able to predict the time that will be needed to get to the airport. Even if you’re not ready to book your ride immediately, remember the best tip of all and be prepared by getting a quote so you’ll know what to expect before you embark on your trip. It’s so easy to get the information right online…

Request a Quote

Happy traveling!

Headed to JFK Airport? Take These 5 Essential Tips With You

Client Testimonials

Check out what our clients have to say about their experience with us.


My company had an international artist picked up at JFK and dropped off in Philadelphia, and the artist had the best time. The driver kept in touch with me throughout the day, so we could plan for arrival, and our artist had the most wonderful experience with the driver. That’s really astounding considering our artist had just gotten off a red-eye from across the world. Thank you so very much!

Meredith S.


Great customer service- tracking my flight, noting it was going to land 40 minutes early…and making the adjustment so someone was there to meet me at the airport early! Also, receiving a confirmation email 24 hours prior was reassuring as well. Thank you!!

Lynly C.


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