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Corporate Holiday Parties Are a Big Responsibility

Now that the year is coming to a close, businesses everywhere are planning corporate holiday parties, for one last chance to rejuvenate before kicking into high gear for the new (and hopefully prosperous!) new year ahead.

While it can be a real blast letting loose and creating new office party stories where so-and-so sang and danced on the tables with a lampshade on their head, there’s also a level of responsibility that should be taken for colleagues and other party guests.

Here are some of the ways in which businesses can throw fun and memorable holiday parties while still ensuring that personnel will proceed safely into the new year.

Keeping an Eye on Safety at Corporate Holiday Parties

Safety sounds like such a boring concept when talking about partying and living it up for the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be; with a little preparation and forethought, your corporate holiday party can go off without a hitch, and none of your attendees need be bothered by the details behind it.

Here are some best practices that are advised for companies to throw corporate holiday parties in the most responsible way possible:

Choose a venue that is in a safe, well-lit and secure location.

Don’t try to save a few bucks by booking an off-the-beaten-path venue that does not have an adequately lighted exterior and onhand security watching over the area. This is especially important during the holiday season, when predators take advantage of the distractions this time of year presents.

Designate at least one member of staff to be a non-drinking guest at your party.

This doesn’t necessarily mean having a ‘chaperone’; but rather, someone in attendance who has focus and a clear head in the event of any accidents, escalated arguments or other party mishaps. Someone in attendance should be capable of thinking straight, if needed.

Do not offer your guests an unlimited open bar

Inviting personnel and colleagues to a party and then expecting them to pay for all their own drinks may seem stingy, and would detract from the spirit of employee appreciation for which the party was designed. But that doesn’t mean your guests should have an unlimited supply easily at hand for the entire night. Instead, a good practice is to offer an open bar for the first 1-2 hours of the party, then guests may choose to purchase additional cocktails for a fee for awhile longer, until closing the bar at least 1 hour before the party ends. This will ensure that guests will have time to ‘sober up’ before exiting the venue.

Present activities for the final hour of the party

To help keep the guests in attendance for the sobering up time, (and to distract focus from the fact that the bar has been closed), plan a gift exchange at the end of the party, as opposed to the beginning or middle. This gives guests something to look forward to and keeps them occupied for awhile before they depart. If not a gift exchange, there are other options such as an end-of-year award ceremony to boost morale, or a distribution of holiday bonuses.

Best practice: hire a corporate sedan or limousine service

Escort your guests to and from the venue with chauffeured corporate transportation to ensure their safety from curb to doorstep. This not only makes your event more memorable, but also makes colleagues and staff feel appreciated for the hard work they perform throughout the year. And most importantly, it protects them while letting them know that you care about their comfort and safety.

Corporate Transportation Services

At Corporate Sedan Service, we have been specializing in corporate travel services in the Philadelphia area since 1996, including professional chauffeured transportation to hundreds of corporate holiday parties. We understand the importance of luxurious and reliable transportation while ensuring safety and security.

When you have your corporate holiday party plans in place, remember to check with us for a fast, free online rate quote to see how cost-effective it can be to bring that extra shot of cheer to your loyal staff and valued company colleagues.

Just click the button below to request your rate quote now, and we’ll respond promptly with your information:

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Corporate Holiday Parties Are a Big Responsibility

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We have been using this service for years and have never had a bad experience. I have recommended this company to many friends and colleagues.

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My company had an international artist picked up at JFK and dropped off in Philadelphia, and the artist had the best time. The driver kept in touch with me throughout the day, so we could plan for arrival, and our artist had the most wonderful experience with the driver. That’s really astounding considering our artist had just gotten off a red-eye from across the world. Thank you so very much!

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